While I was hoping to catch it running the Autumn Leaf Pumpkin Train, this was not the case as I found SMS Lines Baldwin S12 #: 304 sitting near the Woodstown Station with some interesting rolling stock in tow. I don't know if it was intentionally posed like that, or not, but it still was worth getting a photo of.

Photo Freight.

579 görüntülemeler

While I was hoping to catch it running the Autumn Leaf Pumpkin Train, this was not the case as I found SMS Lines Baldwin S12 #: 304 sitting near the Woodstown Station with some interesting rolling stock in tow. I don't know if it was intentionally posed like that, or not, but it still was worth getting a photo of.

Railfanning New Jersey. ya eklendi ve olarak kategorize edildi — 3 ay önce

