An NS grain train passes under the old signal bridge in Easton, PA as it heads back to Allentown Yard. There is a close-up photo of this same train that I previously posted on this website as it was passing over the Easton Station. At the time, I thought that photo was more interesting but now I think this one is better because it gives a better sense of the overall scenery.....Not to mention that that signal bridge has been replaced with a modern signal bridge.
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Under the old Signal Bridge.


An NS grain train passes under the old signal bridge in Easton, PA as it heads back to Allentown Yard. There is a close-up photo of this same train that I previously posted on this website as it was passing over the Easton Station. At the time, I thought that photo was more interesting but now I think this one is better because it gives a better sense of the overall scenery.....Not to mention that that signal bridge has been replaced with a modern signal bridge.

Added to Railfanning Pennsylvania. and categorized in 2 years ago

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