I didn't catch the BC Unit in Jersey City, as I had hoped, but the detour allowed me to catch the Bayonne Local YPBA-27 as it was heading to Bayonne Yard. It was in the same location as on the previous day but this time it was better lighting and moving. Also, our Bayonne regular NS Unit #: 5311 was trailing this time.

Same Job. Same Spot.

2088 vues

I didn't catch the BC Unit in Jersey City, as I had hoped, but the detour allowed me to catch the Bayonne Local YPBA-27 as it was heading to Bayonne Yard. It was in the same location as on the previous day but this time it was better lighting and moving. Also, our Bayonne regular NS Unit #: 5311 was trailing this time.

Ajouté à Conrail Bayonne. et catégorisé en il y a 2 ans


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