Along with the heritage units on display, outside, there were numerous displays inside the shops, as well. One of the highlights was the Erie Lackawanna U34CH #: 3372 built in 1971 for the Erie Lackawanna Railroad. It ran on New Jersey Transit's Hoboken Division trains before the type was retired in the 1990's. Here, it is displayed alongside an engine of current locomotive, as well as an F40 and some other locomotive components that are out of the picture.

U-Boat in the House.


Along with the heritage units on display, outside, there were numerous displays inside the shops, as well. One of the highlights was the Erie Lackawanna U34CH #: 3372 built in 1971 for the Erie Lackawanna Railroad. It ran on New Jersey Transit's Hoboken Division trains before the type was retired in the 1990's. Here, it is displayed alongside an engine of current locomotive, as well as an F40 and some other locomotive components that are out of the picture.

Added to Railfanning New Jersey. and categorized in 1 year ago

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