The Chickasha (pronounced: Chik-a-SHAY) Rock Island Depot was built in 1908 by the Chicago, Rock Island, & Pacific Railroad. The railroad folded in 1980 but the depot now serves as a community events center. A railroad themed park surrounds the railroad complex and has an interesting piece of artwork nearby. The Chickasha Leg Lamp which is a huge replica of the Leg Lamp from, "A Christmas Story", fame.

Chickasha Rock Island Depot.

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The Chickasha (pronounced: Chik-a-SHAY) Rock Island Depot was built in 1908 by the Chicago, Rock Island, & Pacific Railroad. The railroad folded in 1980 but the depot now serves as a community events center. A railroad themed park surrounds the railroad complex and has an interesting piece of artwork nearby. The Chickasha Leg Lamp which is a huge replica of the Leg Lamp from, "A Christmas Story", fame.

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