The two leading units of the Toys for Tots Train pass the old caboose as they pull out of Sugar Loaf, NY. It was a bit of a change to see NS units as the last time I was here was for an SU-99 chase. At that time, it was during a long evening of the summer, and it was the Yellowjackets of the Susie Q in the lead. The photo was previously uploaded to this website.
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TFT Train Departing Sugar Loaf.


The two leading units of the Toys for Tots Train pass the old caboose as they pull out of Sugar Loaf, NY. It was a bit of a change to see NS units as the last time I was here was for an SU-99 chase. At that time, it was during a long evening of the summer, and it was the Yellowjackets of the Susie Q in the lead. The photo was previously uploaded to this website.

Added to Holiday Scenes. and categorized in 3 years ago

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