Now that the EL Unit is no longer able to run on NJT trackage, the chances of catching it, in Bayonne, are a lot better. After missing a golden photo opportunity the previous day, I was able to catch it, in better lighting on this day, as it is the trailing unit, on the Bayonne Local as it headed north on the Bayonne Industrial Track.
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EL Unit in Bayonne.

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Now that the EL Unit is no longer able to run on NJT trackage, the chances of catching it, in Bayonne, are a lot better. After missing a golden photo opportunity the previous day, I was able to catch it, in better lighting on this day, as it is the trailing unit, on the Bayonne Local as it headed north on the Bayonne Industrial Track.

加入 Conrail Bayonne. 和标记上 3 年 前
