The #: 5309 and its partner cross Overpeck Creek for the fifth and final time of the afternoon. After adding the garbage gons to the rest of its mixed freight train and waiting for the southbound ballast and northbound stackpack, it finally heads northbound to Selkirk. This would be the last good photo I took of this day. The B&O unit would come by but well after dark, around 11:00pm. I took a still photo but don't think it's worth posting. Funny, after arriving way late, it actually led the northbound counterpart on-time the following morning. It turns out, track-work wasn't the culprit for the delay. It was a derailment that occurred in Amsterdam, NY the previous day.

Over Overpeck.

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The #: 5309 and its partner cross Overpeck Creek for the fifth and final time of the afternoon. After adding the garbage gons to the rest of its mixed freight train and waiting for the southbound ballast and northbound stackpack, it finally heads northbound to Selkirk. This would be the last good photo I took of this day. The B&O unit would come by but well after dark, around 11:00pm. I took a still photo but don't think it's worth posting. Funny, after arriving way late, it actually led the northbound counterpart on-time the following morning. It turns out, track-work wasn't the culprit for the delay. It was a derailment that occurred in Amsterdam, NY the previous day.

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