A look over the shoulder of the #: 5285 shows that the other regular unit EJRR #: 67 is safely tucked away for the night inside Chem South. Though both railroads operate here at different times throughout the day, usually YPBA-27 comes down this time of the evening after the EJRR is done for the day so as not to interfere with their schedule.

Saying, "Goodnight", to the EJRR.


A look over the shoulder of the #: 5285 shows that the other regular unit EJRR #: 67 is safely tucked away for the night inside Chem South. Though both railroads operate here at different times throughout the day, usually YPBA-27 comes down this time of the evening after the EJRR is done for the day so as not to interfere with their schedule.

Added to Conrail Bayonne. and categorized in 1 year ago


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