In another pleasant twist, rather than sending the ballast train straight into Bayonne yard, the Conrail crew diverted the train down the Constable Hook Industrial Track, which led to something I have never seen before. Although I am not sure if this has happened in the past, it is the first and only time I've ever seen large six axle power down this track. According to my grandfather, who used to work for Conrail out of Bayonne, these large units were not used down this track as the turns are too tight and the units would risk derailment. So, it was an even nicer surprise to be able to photograph this train as it crossed the Hook Road, heading down towards Chem South.

Big Ballast Train down the Hook Road!

2206 pregleda

In another pleasant twist, rather than sending the ballast train straight into Bayonne yard, the Conrail crew diverted the train down the Constable Hook Industrial Track, which led to something I have never seen before. Although I am not sure if this has happened in the past, it is the first and only time I've ever seen large six axle power down this track. According to my grandfather, who used to work for Conrail out of Bayonne, these large units were not used down this track as the turns are too tight and the units would risk derailment. So, it was an even nicer surprise to be able to photograph this train as it crossed the Hook Road, heading down towards Chem South.

Dodato u Conrail Bayonne. i kategorisano u pre 3 godina

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