This was the last shot of my visit to Harper's Ferry and also my favorite. It came out just right. The same empty tank train crossed the river and the locos have now entered Harper's Ferry, WV. In the background the same Baltimore bound coal train crawls through the tunnel. After all the higher-priority trains were sent through, these last two bulk trains headed up the rear and it would be a while before these two trains cleared the two main lines. This will not be my last visit to Harper's Ferry, as there are way more good photos to catch. Not to mention exploring the rest of the town. It was kinda cut short by the appearance of the trains.

Welcome to West Virginia!


This was the last shot of my visit to Harper's Ferry and also my favorite. It came out just right. The same empty tank train crossed the river and the locos have now entered Harper's Ferry, WV. In the background the same Baltimore bound coal train crawls through the tunnel. After all the higher-priority trains were sent through, these last two bulk trains headed up the rear and it would be a while before these two trains cleared the two main lines. This will not be my last visit to Harper's Ferry, as there are way more good photos to catch. Not to mention exploring the rest of the town. It was kinda cut short by the appearance of the trains.

Added to Railfanning West Virginia and categorized in 4 months ago

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