With all the empties gathered from inside the terminal, YPBA-03 shoves out the main gate and up the Hook Road. Today, there are about ten cars being shoved. It takes about an hour to gather all the outbounds because the main stub end track in the terminal only has room for a four-axle unit and two tank cars. Since there are two different tracks, one usually with two cars and the other track with the remaining cars, it takes longer than you'd think to perform this work.

Heading Out with Empties.


With all the empties gathered from inside the terminal, YPBA-03 shoves out the main gate and up the Hook Road. Today, there are about ten cars being shoved. It takes about an hour to gather all the outbounds because the main stub end track in the terminal only has room for a four-axle unit and two tank cars. Since there are two different tracks, one usually with two cars and the other track with the remaining cars, it takes longer than you'd think to perform this work.

Added to Conrail Bayonne. and categorized in 11 months ago


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