After doubling up its train, the storm is closer, and the sky is darker as YPBA-50 has all the outbounds and is heading north to Oak Island. I was surprised to catch the outbound on a Saturday afternoon as it usually appears late on Sunday night and returns early Monday morning. In this case, the local would arrive with the inbounds about five hours later at 10PM.

Leaving with the Outbounds.

1606 weergaven

After doubling up its train, the storm is closer, and the sky is darker as YPBA-50 has all the outbounds and is heading north to Oak Island. I was surprised to catch the outbound on a Saturday afternoon as it usually appears late on Sunday night and returns early Monday morning. In this case, the local would arrive with the inbounds about five hours later at 10PM.

Toegevoegd aan Conrail Bayonne. en gecategoriseerd in 1 jaar geleden

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