Bayonne Local YPBA-50 is the job that takes the outbounds from Bayonne Yard and brings in the inbounds from Oak Island. Though it appears regularly, it is elusive for me because it usually departs with the outbounds at night and returns with the inbounds before the sun comes up the next morning. Sometimes it does appear during the day but usually when I'm at work. This time, I was surprised to find it on this extremely dismal Saturday afternoon.

The Elusive YPBA-50.

1235 görüntülemeler

Bayonne Local YPBA-50 is the job that takes the outbounds from Bayonne Yard and brings in the inbounds from Oak Island. Though it appears regularly, it is elusive for me because it usually departs with the outbounds at night and returns with the inbounds before the sun comes up the next morning. Sometimes it does appear during the day but usually when I'm at work. This time, I was surprised to find it on this extremely dismal Saturday afternoon.

Conrail Bayonne. ya eklendi ve olarak kategorize edildi — 1 yıl önce
