The ex-Reading Dining Car #: 1186 was built in 1922 for the railroads popular, "Ironhorse Rambles", up until the 70's when the Reading railroad sold it to a private owner. It was then relocated to its current location on the corner of North Broad and Noble St. where it served as a diner until 2012. At the time of this photo, taken in 2014, the dining car was abandoned and was rotting away. I read that there were plans to convert this car into a welcoming center for the Philadelphia Highline Park which is an on-going construction project. I haven't been there, lately, but the next time I go, I hope to see it in much better condition than it was the last time I saw it.
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Derelict Dining Car.

1852 vues

The ex-Reading Dining Car #: 1186 was built in 1922 for the railroads popular, "Ironhorse Rambles", up until the 70's when the Reading railroad sold it to a private owner. It was then relocated to its current location on the corner of North Broad and Noble St. where it served as a diner until 2012. At the time of this photo, taken in 2014, the dining car was abandoned and was rotting away. I read that there were plans to convert this car into a welcoming center for the Philadelphia Highline Park which is an on-going construction project. I haven't been there, lately, but the next time I go, I hope to see it in much better condition than it was the last time I saw it.

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