After switching Brill's Junction, this train is literally, "full of shit". Brill's Junction is where the treated sewage, from the Newark Sewage Treament Plant, is loaded onto Epic cars bound for points west, to be turned into fertilizer. Here, the local crosses Doremus Avenue, on its way back to Oak Island, with its precious, "load".
Додано до Railfanning New Jersey. в категорію Modern — 4 років тому
Canon Canon EOS REBEL T5 1/1600s ƒ/8 ISO400 55mm — Більше даних Exif
- Manufacturer Canon
- Model Canon EOS REBEL T5
- Exposure Time 1/1600s
- Aperture ƒ/8
- ISO 400
- Focal Length 55mm
- X Resolution 240 dpi
- Y Resolution 240 dpi
- Resolution Unit inches
- Color Space sRGB
- Orientation Horizontal (normal)
- Software Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 (Windows)
- Scene Capture Type Standard
- Exposure Bias Value 0/1
- Max Aperture Value 5
- Exposure Program Aperture-priority AE
- Exposure Mode Auto
- Metering Mode Multi-segment
- Flash Off, Did not fire
- White Balance 1
- Exif Version 0231
- Date Time Original 2020-05-22 13:19:23
- Date Time Digitized 2020-05-22 13:19:23