Another day at the same spot finds YPBA-27 heading south, back to Bayonne Yard, with one boxcar and a splat (hidden behind the boxcar) in tow. In an unusual case, this local is southbound with the locomotive forward. Usually, the locals shove the cars south make it easier to store the cars on the yard tracks without having to bring the units back around the train, once in the yard. This is the closest you can get to seeing what this location used to look like during the days of the CNJ; when CNJ, B&O, C&O, and Reading through freight and named passenger trains used to fly through here. Now, it's down to the Bayonne Industrial Lead (that the local is on), an inbound/outbound car storage siding, and the two electrified Hudson Bergen Light Rail tracks.
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Reminiscent of the Old CNJ Main.


Another day at the same spot finds YPBA-27 heading south, back to Bayonne Yard, with one boxcar and a splat (hidden behind the boxcar) in tow. In an unusual case, this local is southbound with the locomotive forward. Usually, the locals shove the cars south make it easier to store the cars on the yard tracks without having to bring the units back around the train, once in the yard. This is the closest you can get to seeing what this location used to look like during the days of the CNJ; when CNJ, B&O, C&O, and Reading through freight and named passenger trains used to fly through here. Now, it's down to the Bayonne Industrial Lead (that the local is on), an inbound/outbound car storage siding, and the two electrified Hudson Bergen Light Rail tracks.

Added to Conrail Bayonne. and categorized in 3 years ago

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